This week I’ve been lucky enough to have a delivery of some of the Spring teas from Bluebird!
I’m really excited by the inventive packaging Bluebird have used for their spring line up, it’s always nice to see tea packaged in unique and different ways. There’s a carrot filled with teabags and an egg box with plastic eggs filled with tea that you’re gonna love!
The range includes Carrot Cake, Hot Cross Buns and Easter Eggs Nests, along with favourites MojiTEA and Earl Grey Creme.
The weather has been unusually nice the last couple of weeks so I decided to take my camera and Bluebird’s products outside and take some sunny Spring photos
Review Time!
First up is Easter Egg Nests, which I aboslutely adore! These teabags smell insanely chocolate, I could literally smell them all day!
I love that this tea really captures the flavours of Easter egg nests, it really took me back to being a child and making them with my mum! I’m usually a bit disappointed with chocolate teas but this is one amazing tea! I love the sweet chocolatey goodness, so much that I’ve nearly run out :O
The green and black tea combo works perfectly and the toasted rice is fantastic. All round one of my favourite Bluebird teas of all time!
This is another tea I was really excited to try, I’m a big fan of hot cross buns so I was looking forward to seeing if Bluebird managed to recreate the flavour in their tea. These teabags also came in a super cute carrot package which I loved finding when I opened the delivery
This tea has a really nice sweet spicyness to it that really embodies the essence of Easter and Spring time. It has a beautiful cinnamon flavour, which is paired perfectly with the sweet Rooibos base to create that sweet glazed fruity flavour of a good hot crossed bun.
It’s quite similar to Bluebird’s gingerbread chai but less spicy so if that’s one of your favourites you’ll love hot cross bun too.
Carrot cake is another Rooibos base that’s quite similar to Hot Cross Bun but has a sweeter flavouring that reminds me of Carrot Cake frosting. I love baking carrot cake at home and actually made a carrot cake a while back using Bluebird’s matcha honey, you can find the recipe here if you fancied baking it yourself
This tea produces a beautiful amber coloured tea with a slight spiced flavour and hints of cinnamon. I particularly like the subtle vanilla aftertaste which is immensely addictive!
Earl Grey Creme was one of the teabags in the egg box, each teabag even came in a little plastic egg!:D
I’m not a huge fan of Earl Grey, it’s one of those teas I’ve just never found that exciting and some earl grey I’ve had has been real bad! I knew if I was going to enjoy anyone’s Earl Grey it would probably be Bluebird’s, I don’t think I’ve ever had one of their teas I didn’t like!
I began steeping this tea and was hesitant as I usually find the bergamot too overpowering in most Earl Grey and can usually tell from the smell. The fragrance of this Earl Grey definitely had a sweeter note to it and I was excited to see if this carried over in to the flavour. It definitely did! The bergamot flavouring was just the right strength and didn’t overpower the black tea flavour like a lot of Earl Grey I’ve had in the past.
All round I’d say this is a really good Earl Grey, although Earl Grey isn’t my favourite tea, I did enjoy this a lot more than others. If you’re an Earl Grey fan I’m sure you’ll absolutely love it!
MojiTEA was another one of the teabags included in the purple egg box! The egg box with the tea filled eggs inside was probably the highlight of this collection, it’s definitely the most inventive tea packaging I’ve seen.
I loved the refreshing mint flavour and I was pleasantly surprised by a sweeter aftertaste than a lot of mint tea. MojiTEA isthe perfect tea for anyone who struggles to get going in the morning, it instantly wakes you up with it’s cool mintyness. You’ll get several infusions from one teabag and it’s even more refreshing cold. If you’re a mint tea lover you’ll love this exciting blend Bluebird blend!
Finishing Up
That pretty much rounds up my review of these Bluebird Tea Co. Spring/Easter teas. A huge thanks to Bluebird for sending me these teas to review, I really enjoyed them!
The egg box and carrot are two of my firm favourites in Bluebird’s Spring/Easter teas. If you’re looking for an alternative to chocolate as an Easter gift for someone these would be absolutely perfect (and much healthier!).
If you’d like to try any of Bluebird’s products you can find their website here.
Thanks for taking the time to read my review, I hope you’ve enjoyed it. Please share it with the tea lovers in your life and come find me on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.
Bye for now! xXx
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